Monday, September 7, 2015

making it mine

I've been in Seville, Spain for about a week, and I'm pretty sure I still have "turista" etched all over my face. As I walk to class past the massive cathedral, I try to pretend that I'm used to it, but I usually end up gaping at it with my mouth wide open every time. The gorgeous grandeur of Spain is my home now, but I don't think I will ever be able to wipe the awe off my face whenever I look around me.
I'm still in the process of making this place my home, making it mine. In my time here, I've been in constant activity and exploration; my friends and I have eaten churros con chocolate, gone dancing, gone to the park, biked to the plaza, gone on scavenger hunts and tours, had tapas by the river, and sat in adorable cafés. It's been so incredibly fun, and I don't want these things to stop. However, everybody is going to have a different experience here, and I just want a piece of Sevilla to make my own. For example, I want to get involved in a church, do Flamenco, volunteer in the city, explore more, and be able to have quiet time by the river. I want to learn, experience, have fun, and most importantly glorify and serve the Lord.
Today, I had the opportunity to practice with the worship team for the SIS program's Bible study. It is definitely not something that I would normally do, and I enjoyed it so much. After rehearsal, I walked back and stopped by the river to listen to music and watch the sunset alone. I'm excited to find myself here, to encounter my niche, get out of my comfort zone, and just live this semester to the fullest!
I want to put todo mi ser into this experience and wait to see what the Lord has in store.
This place is full of adventure, antique beauty, vibrant color, and exquisite culture, but in the end, it all centers back to one thing: God. And that is what my heart is longing for.

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