Sunday, October 25, 2020


This week, I received news that a girl in my small Spanish class tested positive for covid. The repercussions weren't immediately clear, but on Thursday, I was told that I officially had to quarantine for 10 days. Thankfully, this quarantine shrank to only 4 days since it had been so long ago since I had contact with her, and we're in the middle of our quarantine now.

When I told Micah the news, he immediately decided to join me in the quarantine even though it wasn't clear if he was supposed to or not. As we sat calmly discussing our fate for the next week, I asked him in disbelief, "Why aren't you freaking out about this? Why are you so calm?"

The truth was that both of us were calm. As I was walking home after receiving the news, I calmly looked up at the trees and sky, knowing it could be the last time I saw them for 10 days, and I was surprisingly unfazed by that. As I said, the quarantine turned out to be shorter than we expected, but since we went to work, took plenty of walks, and went for grocery runs during the March quarantine in St. Paul, a strict quarantine was still a large, uncharted feat for us. 

It turned out to be just what we needed. For 3 weeks before this moment, both of us were trying to find home in Granada, scoping out bubble tea places, sushi restaurants, candy shops, and thrift stores to stretch out our roots a bit. We were searching for the home that's been with us all along, and all we needed to do to find it was take a step back, take a deep breath, and rest.

This is our home because this is where we're supposed to be. In the last few weeks, we've formed relationships, talked spiritual matters with intercambios, learned/improved Spanish, and stepped into our positions here. The news of quarantine didn't bother us because it was never a threat in the first place. Nothing can be a threat to us when we're in the will of God.

I have personally felt an indescribable feeling being here, as if nothing can stop us and nothing can hinder us. We're on a path that was destined by God, and therefore, any challenge that looms over us holds no more fear for me. Any potential inconvenience or discomfort doesn't bother me. We haven't even secured an available appointment to finish our visa process, this city could very well sink deeper into lockdown, and we could have other exposures to positives that would slow us down. None of these things concern me at all.

And I can't really give an answer to why I'm not concerned, afraid, or worried. Something, or someone, is just telling me that there's no reason to be. We are walking forward unhindered and untouched by the enemy. 

We've never had a rational reason to worry, and we are very much home. 


  1. So glad to hear that you are well and at peace! Thanks for that encouraging word. Blessings!
